A Message From CityNerd: Making a Difference with PRN

This article was written by Ray Delahanty from the CityNerd YouTube channel.

CityNerd standing outside beside a fake cow statue

Fellow City Enthusiast,

Around this time last year, it occurred to me that my YouTube channel, CityNerd, was gaining enough of a following that it could really start to help make a difference in the city and transportation issues I care about (Particularly near the end of the year, when people are often thinking about making charitable donations!). But I wondered, since urbanism is such a multifaceted area, where could I best apply my voice and my support?

Well, for years in my previous career as a transportation planning consultant, I’d seen parking reform emerge as a pivotal issue in urban policy. Why? It’s difficult to say exactly, but my thought has always been that things like removing parking mandates on private development are both (a) a high-leverage way to really impact things like climate change, walkability, and affordability, but also (b) a very common-sense idea that has the ability to draw support from people who come from diverse places on the political spectrum.

And the organization that I’ve seen make a difference first-hand is the Parking Reform Network. PRN provides the tools, the resources, and, of course, the network people need to reform parking policy in their own communities across North America. That’s why last December, PRN became the first advocacy organization I ever promoted on my channel.

It’s why I myself am a member.

And it’s why I’m writing this article today. Parking reform has proven to be a winning urbanist issue, and it has really built momentum in 2023 with huge successes in places like Austin, Texas and Richmond, Virginia. So, if you really want to help build on that momentum and put parking policy on the agenda in more and more cities, here’s my thought:

If you aren’t a PRN member already, please join and consider doing it as a monthly contribution. And if you’re already a member, please don’t forget to renew! Our cities are worth fighting for, and PRN is critical to that fight.

Thanks for listening,

Ray Delahanty

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