Upcoming PRN Events

Please note that some PRN events require a membership to attend

Other Upcoming Events

July 29 Happy Hour — Car-Lite Long Beach (Los Angeles – PRN is Co-Hosting)
Our friends at Car-Lite Long Beach are hosting a casual get-together to talk about all things parking reform. We’ll be enjoying the vibes at Altar Society, which has a ton of food and non-alcoholic options. See you there!

August 29  Silicon Valley Bike Summit (San Francisco) 
Connect with insights and expertise at Silicon Valley’s largest gathering of active transportation leaders and organizers from government, the private sector, nonprofits, and the public.

October 20-23  MPACT (Philadelphia)
The MPACT Mobility Conference offers you the opportunity to connect with leading practitioners, leaders, and advocates dedicated to creating livable and equitable cities for everyone.

Do you have an upcoming webinar or conference session? Let us know by email or via this event submission form so we can share with the network.