Minimum Requirements

White House Elevates Parking Reform: Insights from Two Decades of Presidential Economic Reports

The Economic Report of the President, released annually by the Council of Economic Advisors, offers a telling glimpse into the policy priorities at the highest levels of American government. Earlier this year in March, the 2024 report was published. It featured a chapter with policy recommendations for governments at all levels on how to make […]

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A Little Something for Everyone

The Aftermath of Parking Reform in Anchorage The day after a city repeals its mandatory parking minimums, it’s still the exact same city. Not a single parking space need be added or removed as a direct consequence of that simple policy change. For that reason, It’s vitally important for parking reformers to go back and

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Image of Colorado state legislature building with sun shining on its golden roof

Colorado’s Groundbreaking Parking Reform: The Details

They did it! In the final days of the 2024 legislative session, statewide parking reform snuck across the finish line in Colorado. HB 1304, which eliminates many residential parking mandates in the Centennial State, passed on May 6th as part of a groundbreaking slate of land-use reform laws aimed at curbing Colorado’s housing shortage and supporting transit-oriented development.

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Black Friday Parking 2024: Help Us Turn Bad Land Use Into Better Policy

Black Friday is the day that reveals one of the worst flaws in the American landscape: We have way too much parking. To showcase the scale of the problem using social media posts, we are using the hashtag #BlackFridayParking. This year’s campaign brings together more than a dozen organizations, advocates, and influencers on social media to draw attention to how wasteful and destructive parking requirements are marring our landscapes and making our places less productive. Join PRN and Strong Towns in challenging excessive and costly parking mandates!

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