
Black Friday Parking 2024: Help Us Turn Bad Land Use Into Better Policy

Black Friday is the day that reveals one of the worst flaws in the American landscape: We have way too much parking. To showcase the scale of the problem using social media posts, we are using the hashtag #BlackFridayParking. This year’s campaign brings together more than a dozen organizations, advocates, and influencers on social media to draw attention to how wasteful and destructive parking requirements are marring our landscapes and making our places less productive. Join PRN and Strong Towns in challenging excessive and costly parking mandates!

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A new way to look at costly parking mandates

In 2015, Strong Towns led a landmark campaign in the fight to end costly parking mandates by developing a crowdsourced map of cities that have eliminated minimum parking requirements. Circulating far and wide, this map has been an emblem in illustrating where cities have made progress to prioritize people over cars, and inspires other communities

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