Minimum Requirements

What Barriers Stand in the Way of Good Parking Reform?

An overreliance on intuitive reasoning and a determination to maintain outdated parking policies have birthed a perfect storm of political inertia capable of taking the wind out of parking reformโ€™s proverbial sails. A recent proposal to abolish minimum parking mandates in the city of SeaTac was unfortunately caught up in this political inertia, hampering the odds of successful reform. The case study in SeaTac makes it clear just how paramount it is for our message to reach the public in order to ensure people are equipped to successfully advocate for parking reform in their own cities.

What Barriers Stand in the Way of Good Parking Reform? Read More ยป

Webinar: The Inside Story of Oregonโ€™s Big Parking Reforms๏ฟผ

Join us on Wednesday, September 21st at 11AM Pacific Time for this webinar. Free Zoom Registration is required. Oregon recently enacted the most aggressive statewide parking reforms in the nation, requiring jurisdictions in the stateโ€™s eight largest metro areas to eliminate or greatly reduce parking requirements. This webinar will provide an in-depth overview of the

Webinar: The Inside Story of Oregonโ€™s Big Parking Reforms๏ฟผ Read More ยป

Chicago updates TOD ordinance to reform parking requirements in four ways

In July, the Chicago City Council updated the city’s nearly decade-old transit-oriented development ordinance, setting minimum density standards in some areas, connecting density bonuses to providing more affordable units, tripling the size of TOD areas, and establishing parking maximums outside of downtown for the first time, among other changes. I’ll focus on the new parking

Chicago updates TOD ordinance to reform parking requirements in four ways Read More ยป

Raleigh joins ranks of cities with no costly parking mandates

Raleigh, North Carolina became the 24th North American city confirmed to have eliminated minimum car parking requirements for most land-uses citywide. In a 7-1 vote on March 15th, 2022, Raleigh City Council approved a series of zoning amendments which flipped existing parking minimums to parking maximums, established bicycle parking requirements, and imposed environmental mitigations for

Raleigh joins ranks of cities with no costly parking mandates Read More ยป

Bridgeport, CT joins growing list of cities with no costly car parking mandates

On November 29, 2022 the Planning and Zoning Commission of Bridgeport, the largest city in Connecticut, adopted the Zone Bridgeport code update, a comprehensive zoning update which included a complete repeal of minimum car parking requirements for new developments. Bridgeport now joins a rapidly growing cohort of cities that have removed these requirements. The Parking

Bridgeport, CT joins growing list of cities with no costly car parking mandates Read More ยป