Mike Kwan

What Parking Day showed me about the value of public space and what we sacrifice for cars

The morning As I pulled into the three permitted parking spaces I had secured for Parking Day 2021 in Washington D.C., a large black SUV pulled into one of the spaces, oblivious to the large “no parking” permit he had pulled up next to. The driver looked down and ignored me as I glared at […]

What Parking Day showed me about the value of public space and what we sacrifice for cars Read More ยป

Event: How we won parking cash-out for Washington, D.C., and how you can too!

The Parking Reform Network is excited to welcome Cheryl Cort, the Policy Director for the Coalition for Smarter Growth to speak about the campaign for a Washington D.C. bill to require parking cash-out as part of employee commuter benefits.

Event: How we won parking cash-out for Washington, D.C., and how you can too! Read More ยป

Are Parking Authorities Obsolete?

My interest in parking reform started when a particular study caught my attention: five transit-oriented developments across the US were using less than half of the parking spaces they created to meet parking regulations. Instead of building much-needed housing, office buildings or retail on heavily-trafficked and super-valuable real estate, much of the space sat empty.

Are Parking Authorities Obsolete?

Parking reform is a public health issue

It can be easy to feel gloomy and maybe a bit helpless from news of the coronavirus pandemic. While we continue practicing social distancing, donating to local food banks, etc., could we also set the stage for a healthier and more equitable city, with less parking? Here are some ideas that cities are adopting: Open

Parking reform is a public health issue