Podcast: São Paulo has been a parking reform trailblazer

The latest episode of Reinventing Parking is out and features an interview with three Brazilians, Clarisse Linke, Hannah Machado and Fernando Franco, to help us understand São Paulo’s bold parking reforms in the last 8 years or so. Listen here or subscribe to the podcast.

São Paulo has eliminated parking mandates (since 2014), instituted an innovative approach to discouraging excessive parking near transit, and has citywide on-street parking management with no paper or physical meters.

Paul Barter (top left), Fernando Franco (top right), Hannah Machado (bottom left) and Clarisse Linke (bottom right)

Clarisse Linke joined the conversation from Rio de Janeiro, where she is Country Director of the Brazil office of Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP Brazil).  Hannah Machado was in São Paulo and is Vice President of the Brazilian Institute of Architects.  Fernando Franco was also in São Paulo and is a Professor at the FAU McKenzie University and, importantly for our story, was Secretary of Urban Development of the Municipality of São Paulo between 2013 and 2016.

Hannah and Fernando were also among the co-authors of a book chapter on parking in São Paulo, in the book, Parking: an International Perspective, edited by Dorina Pojani, and several other people.

Reinventing Parking is the official podcast of the Parking Reform Network and is hosted by Paul Barter.

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