Tony Jordan

Co-founder of the Parking Reform Network

Parking reform progresses in Raleigh, NC

On Tuesday January 18th, Raleigh’s Text Change subcommittee approved zoning code language that would repeal costly car parking mandates citywide and apply parking maximums for many uses. The next step in the process, which was initiated by Raleigh city council in June, is for the proposal to be heard by the whole Planning Commission in […]

Parking reform progresses in Raleigh, NC

Win a signed copy of Parking and the City (and more) and support the Parking Reform Network

If you’re interested in transportation, urbanism, climate change, or land use you don’t want to miss this opportunity to support the Parking Reform Network and win books signed by Donald Shoup, Todd Litman, Richard Willson, Nolan Gray, and more! The Parking Reform Network, which recently released an updated map of cities that have eliminated parking

Win a signed copy of Parking and the City (and more) and support the Parking Reform Network Read More ยป

Now you can easily see what cities have (mostly) removed all car parking requirements.

We launched our map of cities that have removed or reduced parking mandates on November 22nd and have received good feedback and over 45 new reports to update or add to the dataset. We’re working through the reports while working on features to improve the user experience. Over the weekend we published and update and

Now you can easily see what cities have (mostly) removed all car parking requirements. Read More ยป

Tenant seeks snakes to settle score over selfish neighbor’s parking practice.

When Donald Shoup quipped that most “thinking about parking seems to take place in the reptilian cortex,” it’s doubtful he could have imagined this Craigslist request for 10-25 one inch wide snakes that a frustrated tenant in Durham, NC is seeking to put inside a van taking up a prime parking space. When a common

Tenant seeks snakes to settle score over selfish neighbor’s parking practice. Read More ยป

Portland equitable mobility plan: Tax parking lots, require equal commute benefits

The Pricing Options for Equitable Mobility (POEM) Task Force recommended a citywide flexible commuter benefit program (parking cash-out), a tax on privately-owned off street parking, and accelerated implementation and expansion of performance-based curb pricing. Fees for urban delivery and transportation network carrier/for-hire (TNC) services recommended to reduce congestion and pollution. The Task Force also recommended

Portland equitable mobility plan: Tax parking lots, require equal commute benefits Read More ยป