Parking Reform News

Welcome to the Parking Reform Reform News where we will periodically inform you on the latest happenings in parking reform around the globe.

First up, San Francisco’s Mayor London Breed supports extending the city’s metered parking hours to include evenings and Sundays. Many cities turn off meters long before the demand ebbs, mostly for political reasons. This is a welcome move in the right direction.

There’s been lots of talk in recent years about converting parking garages for other uses, but imagining second acts for underground lots is pretty tough. In Paris, though, some enterprising fellows have started growing mushrooms in the dark dankness of an empty garage.

Portland, Oregon joined a handful of cities with a path to zero parking requirements — citywide, for multi-family housing projects. Any development that participates in inclusionary affordable housing programs is exempted from any parking minimums. In the next few months the city is likely to make further reforms.

Parking cash-out is an extremely logical reform and it’s surprising we don’t see it implemented in more cities. Washington, D.C. is close to passing their version of the policy.


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