The map shows places that have enacted parking reforms. Click on one of the colored dots for additional information about that place's reforms.
Click the filter or search icons in the top-right to change which places are shown, such as to filter by population size. By default, the map only shows places with all parking minimums removed. You can instead see all places with any parking reform by clicking the toggle at the top of the filter. You can also focus on a particular policy type, such as "add parking maximums", by using the dropdown at the top of the filter.
Click the table icon in the top-left to switch from map view to table view. When in table view, click the map icon in the top-left to switch back to the map.
This project is built and hosted by the Parking Reform Network . It is based on "A Map of Cities That Got Rid of Parking Minimums", initially published by Strong Towns in November 2015. Reports have been submitted by many Strong Towns readers and Parking Reform Network members over the years; reporters are credited on the detailed information pages for each place.
The source code is maintained at GitHub , where you can see the code contributors under the "Insights" tab.